World Spay Day 2020- Here's All you need to Know About

World Spay Day is an annual campaign which is celebrated on the last Tuesday of the February every year, with the aim to aware about sterilize the stray animals including street cats and dogs.

Before deep diving into more details, let's know what does the Spaying/Neutering exactly means?

What is Spaying/Neutering?

Spaying/Neutering refers to surgical removal of reproductive organ of a animal.

While Spaying is specifically used for sterilizing the female animals, whereas the term Neutering is used for both the sexes.

Spaying involves the surgery ovaries and uterus. It is also called as Ovariohysterectomy. It is similar to a human Hysterectomy.

It is a safe procedure which has become common place in veterinary practices for over 30 years.

The term 'Castration' is used for sterilizing male animals, involves the surgical removal of testicles of a male animal.

In simple terms, Spaying and Neutring means de-sexing an animal.

One of the main reason to create this day is to control the overpopulation of the feral cats and dogs, Also to save their lives as otherwise they might be killed on highways/streets or thrown in shelters.

World Spay Day draws attention to "spay/neuter as a proven means of saving the lives of companion animals, community cats, and street dogs who might otherwise be put down in a shelter or killed on the street." It is an event held on the last Tuesday in February each year. - source:

World Spay Day
World Spay Day Images 2020

When is National Spay Day 2020?

This year the Spay Day is on February 25, 2020.

Who Started World Spay and Neuter Day?

Doris Day Animal League (DDAL) - a national nonprofit organization dedicated to protect animals through their policy initiatives, education, and corporate engagement, started celebrating this day in 1995.

National Spay and Neuter Day is now a campaign of The Humane Society of the United States (HSUS).

The veterinary and animal welfare professionals, business owners and concerned individuals join forces to shine a spotlight on spay/neuter as the most effective and humane means of decreasing the number of homeless animals put down in shelters or living on the street.

Why World Spay Day is celebrated?

Every year, millions of animals suffers on the streets, around the world. And the governments controls this overpopulation through barbarous means, for example, poisoning, electric shock or by shooting them.

Each year, more than 12 millions unwanted dogs and cats, most of them healthy and less than 18 months old are killed.

A huge number of dogs are found dead on the highway. While the large number of dogs become the victims of intentional animal cruelty.

Preventing litters reduces the number of animals for whom resources are not available. Most people support spay/neuter, but affordable services are out of reach for many pet owners, and funding is always needed for street animal surgeries.

 Apart from this, there are some medical benefits as well:

* Spaying helps prevent Pyometra (Uterine infections) and Mammary cancer, which is fatal in about 50 percent of dogs and 90 percent of cats.

* Spaying your pet before her first heat offers the best protection from these diseases. Neutering provides major health benefits for your male.

* Castrating your male companion prevents testicular cancer.

* There is one common myth that spaying makes your pet fat. Please note that Spaying or neutering will not make your pet fat.

* Obviously, Spaying and neutering helps fight pet overpopulation

- source:

Why is Spaying necessary? 

Failure to spay just one dog can lead to 28,244 puppies inn nine years. At the same time, one unspayed cat can lead to 14 million kittens
Here's a Visual Graphics on Why is neutering necessary for cats

Infographic credit:

  Facts About the Neuter/Spay Day:

As per wikipedia - In 2002, the event's goal was to spay and neuter 200,000 pets across the United States. The Doris Day Animal Foundation (DDAF) reports that since 2008, they have granted HSUS $385,000 for spays and neuters of 9,421 animals in 39 states: 6388 cats, 3007 dogs, and 26 rabbits. Many other organizations and individuals worldwide provide financial support, volunteer and participate in fundraising activities to promote the Spay Day

How You Can Help In This Cause:

Everyone can contribute in spreading awareness about this day. Here's how you can help in this cause.
  • Have your pet altered
  • Encourage and aware your friends about spaying.
  • Create Awareness among people about this using social media,
  • By publishing ads or writing to the newspaper editors to publish it in newspaper articles.
  • Volunteer at nearby shelters
  • Organizing events and public speaking about spaying/neutering.
  • Raising funds for it as spaying is usually expensive  
  • Adopt pets from shelters.

    National Spay And Neuter Day


    Some people think positive about this event while some of them are against the neutering and spaying of animals due to various reasons. We have added all the facts and figures. The main purpose of this post is to aware our audience about the Spay day.

    Please share your views about the Spaying of animals. What do you think? Is it good or bad. Please let us know in comments section.

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